Vox Music Player FLAC Player for Mac

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Love this new app that I just installed on my MacBook Pro to play FLAC files in my Synology NAS.

The app is called VOX Music Player by Coppertino and can be downloaded here.

VOX Music Player by Coppertino

My purpose for this app was NOT to replace the iTunes (which I use to keep and play my favourite MP3 320kbps files for on the go) and use it to sync with my iPhone and iPad. I usually only keep songs that I want to travel with on my iPhone/iPad. But I have many other files that are NOT in the iTunes library and are in FLAC format and that I want to try out the music. So I am looking for an alternative player that does not need to integrate with my iTunes library. And can play the music to my Zeppelin Air via Airplay. And can show the album art covers that I love. And it is free. And it will support Last.Fm scrobbling. And lastly, it will be great if it is pretty, sexy and adorable πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

VOX, so far, met all my needs πŸ™‚

When installing, it asked me if I want to use my iTunes library as my source but I choose NO.

After installing and opening the app, I directed it to a FLAC file on my Synology NAS. And it started playing beautifully.

VOX Music Player by Coppertino

The VOX is already very small and cute… but it will also create a mini player at the top menu so that you can skip/stop/play files in the playlist quickly. Also has notification via the default Mac notification or Growl.

VOX Music Player by Coppertino

AirPlay ? I think so. I did close off my Porthole app to make sure and it still worked.

VOX Music Player by Coppertino

Some settings:
VOX Music Player by Coppertino
VOX Music Player by Coppertino

Interesting ! They have BS2B Settings.
VOX Music Player by Coppertino

Equalizer. I choose POP as I listen mostly to POP
VOX Music Player by Coppertino

As expected, Last.FM Scrobbling works:
VOX Music Player by Coppertino
VOX Music Player by Coppertino

Adding songs via the Playlist. There are also controls for the usual REPEAT and SHUFFLE on the right hand side of the app

VOX Music Player by Coppertino

And reaching out to my NAS (Synology Diskstation exposed in Mac) for the files:
VOX Music Player by Coppertino

And all the songs are now in a playlist:
Vox Music Player in a Playlist

Tried to change my source to iTunes but it did not work. Probably because I already said NO at the installation and some kind of integration are needed to be installed/set up ? Never mind, not important at all πŸ™‚

VOX Music Player by Coppertino

Vox Music Player

Very happy with the software. Did I said it was FREE ? πŸ™‚ This software is a KEEPER ! LOVE IT !!

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